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Metalworking: Sterling & Copper Etched Pendant $100

April 26 @ 11:00 am 4:00 pm

Sterling Copper Etched Pendant

Come and learn how to use beeswax to make a simple resist on copper. Remove some of the wax resist and etch! Bring a line drawing like the one in the photo, to transfer to the metal. After etching, dome the copper and tab-set into a silver bezel setting that you make yourself!

Kit Fee: The kit for the class will be added to your ticket on the day of class.

Note: All materials and tools for classes must be purchased at Beadoholique Bead Shop. This allows us to continue providing you with quality classes.

Materials to purchase day of class:
Kit includes:
-Sterling silver sheet, 24g
-Copper sheet, minimum 20g
-3/32″ fine silver bezel wire
The following items will be provided day of class:
-Duct tape
-Styrofoam sheet, 1/4″ thick

Bring these tools to class (or purchase):
Polishing pads*
Pickle (provided)
Paper towels
Assortment of card stock pieces, business or flat expired credit cards for raising the dome in the bezel (if needed)
Old, soft, smallish paintbrush (for LOS and etchant)
Circle template (provided)
Metalworking awl*
Metal hole punch (1.5mm or 1.8mm)*
Sandpaper assortment*
Polishing attachments for flex shaft*
Flex shaft (provided)
Jeweler’s saw*, lube*, blades*
Metalworking files*
Nylon hammer*
Miter vise*
Dapping block/punches*
Heavy duty wire cutters* (not shears)
Hot plate/burner & clean tin can (provided)
Cross-locking tweezers for dipping copper into wax*
Plastic tub for etchant (provided)
Hand burnishers*
Rocking bezel tool or pusher*
Soldering station:
-Solder – easy or hard*
-Annealing pan and pumice*
-Cookie sheet to hold soldering stuff
-Torch* and fuel
-Soldering pick*
Magnifiers/readers are highly recommended for a successful class experience (even if you wear contacts or glasses)! (Limited readers available for purchase)
Techniques Used: Etching, metalworking, silversmithing, patina, polishing, sawing, filing

Skill Level:  Beginner to Advanced

Prerequisite: Prior metalworking class

Instructor: Shauna

Three ways to sign up:
Click here
Send me an email
Give me a call at 832-674-9005

Please Read: 

1. Classes will begin on time! All students must arrive early for class. Even if you have already purchased supplies for the class, it takes time for everyone to set up and settle in. Students arriving late hold up the entire class — please be respectful of others by arriving early for class. If students do not contact the bead shop 24 hours prior to start of class, or do not show for the class, the class fee will not be refunded.

2. All beads, materials, and tools are available for purchase at the bead shop. We appreciate you purchasing materials and tools at the bead shop so that we may continue offering you the best classes around.