Metalsmithing: Silver and Copper Cab Earrings


Review and practice metalsmith skills in a fun and informative class, transforming sheet metal and wire into wearable art. The shaping, forming, texturing, and joining of sheet metals are techniques quite different from the same in metal clays. For those accustomed to working with the latter medium, getting back to the fundamentals of metalsmithing is very refreshing!

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Review and practice metalsmith skills in a fun and informative class, transforming sheet metal and wire into wearable art. The shaping, forming, texturing, and joining of sheet metals are techniques quite different from the same in metal clays. For those accustomed to working with the latter medium, getting back to the fundamentals of metalsmithing is very refreshing!

Skills include sawing basic shapes, drilling and piercing sheet metal to create bezels, and make holes for decorative rivets and ear wires. Also, shape and solder bezel wire in fabricating a cabochon setting. Texture with a hammer, using best practices to achieve consistency throughout. And more!


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