Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace $40

Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace

October 13, 2023 @ 11:00 am 2:00 pm

Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace

Now that you have learned how to do beaded kumihimo, it’s now time to learn how to add a focal section of gemstone beads to your necklace. This class will use skills learned in basic stringing classes and previous beaded kumihimo classes to make a one of a kind necklace!

This is an advanced class. You must know how to make a wrapped loop, use crimps and covers, and know how to set up and braid beaded kumihimo and finish the ends.

Note: All materials and tools for classes must be purchased at Beadoholique Bead Shop. This allows us to continue providing you with quality classes.

Materials Needed:
Gemstone beads
Tex135 S-Lon Cord
Seed beads size 8
SoftFlex beading wire .014″ (Fine)
2x2mm crimp beads
4mm crimp covers
4 of 8mm wide bead caps
22 gauge headpins
Jump rings
GS Hypo cement

Tools Needed:
Kumihimo disc
8 kumihimo bobbins
1 weighted kumihimo bobbin
Bead stoppers
Beading awl
Thread cutters
Big eye needle
4-in-1 Crimping pliers
Mighty crimpers
Flush cutters
Chain nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Bead board or mat
Magnifiers/readers are highly recommended
for a successful class experience (even if you wear
contacts or glasses)!
Techniques Used: Beaded Kumihimo,
Bead Stringing, Crimping

Skill Level:  Advanced

Prerequisite: Beaded Kumihimo, Basic

Instructor: Cindy

Three ways to sign up:
Click here
Send me an email
Give me a call at 832-674-9005